
Hawkeye Season 1 - Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfield

During the Battle at new York on Avengers 1 movie as team Iron Man battle Loki's Army there is the story of a young girl name Kate. 22 year old Kid teamed with hawkeye.
Hawkeye Cast of Character
Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton / Hawkeye
Hailee Steinfield played role as Kate Bishop
Tony Dalton played role as Jack Duquesne
Fra Fee as Kazimierz played role as Kazi / Kazimierczak: A mercenary for the Tracksuit Mafia
Brian d'Arcy James played role as Derek Bishop / Kate's Father
Aleks Paunovic as Ivan (an enforcer for the tracksuit Mafia
Ylena Romanoff - Natasha's sister / also a black widow
Eleanor Bishop - Mother of Kate

Episode 1:
Kate's parent are having a quarrel, when they realizes that they are being spied by Kate, her father enter's her room tryin to comfort her for the disturbance she heard. The Alien spaceships that loosks like a dragon appear of nowhere in the sky; same dragon-like spaceship from the battle in New York by Loki and the Avengers first movie.
Kate's house is damage from the attack, it seems that when you look outside Kate's window Stark tower is just a few blocks away; what a nice view. She can see Hawkeye fighting some aliens at the top of a certain building.Kate's house collapses and her mommy lift her as they get away and out of the house but unluckily her father goes down together with the house.
Kate is thinking what if the invaders comes back, so she request her mom to provide her a bow and arrow. What a very pretty girl.

After the Avengers Endgame Clint/ Hawkeye is having a theatre time with his daughter, meanwhile Kate's is a 22 year old gal now  and she dare for a bet to hit the towns clock tower bell with an arrow.  Her mom owns a security agency.

The Show is entitled Roger's Musical and Clint is with his children. Katie's mother are very rich and Katie got her black belt rank when she was 15 years old and currently she excel in archery.

Kate's mom is getting married and she got suspicious about the situation. There is an auction under the big house and Kate owned Ronons suit. But why do I feel like watching a Batman's and Kick Ass Movie at the same time?

But there is an auction heist and these guys are looking for a watch but the dog get gave the bad guy a hard time and run. Then afterward Hawkeye and Kate met. Episode ends.

Episode 2:
Disguised himself as a fireman he snucked in to Kate's place to recover the suit. The next thing we want to watch is fencing.
After he dinner date with her mom and fiance Clint and kate got tied-up. And the big boss has revealed her identity.

Episode 3:
Ronon is Clint Barton and he is also the Hawkeye and Clint have only 5 days to join his family for Christmas and have  a quality time with his family.

There is this little girl at school named Maya and she cannot hear and with a prostate metal right leg. She grew up a good fighter. Maya's father was stabbed by Ronon and it was a sad scene. Now Maya owns a gang and captured Hawkeye and Kate.

In this episode you will be amazed of Hawkeye's set of skills. They are cased after escaping in captivity and Kate was surprised to know that Hawkeye's arrows are no otdinary arrows.

I had fun watching those arrows. Ha ha ha ha . LOL. The next thing they are riding the train. They really made a good team. 

Katie is thinking of giving Hawkeye a new and recognizable or iconic suit and she named the dog Pizza. 

They went to Katie's parents house and try to acess files from Bishop security then Barton and stepfather to be got aquainted.
Episode ended here.
Episode 4
The mission is to retrieve a rolex watch from Maya's apartment, the watch belongs to an avenger. Someone hires a Black Widow to take good care of Bart/Hawkeye.

In the beginning of this episode, Bart got aquainted with Katie's mom and stepfather and had a good conversation. The episode ended when Bart openly told kate that their advwenture together is over. Obviously Bart is protecting Katie from harm.

Episode 5
This is the continuation scene after the movie Black widow wherein 2018 the BLIP occured and Ylena was one of the person missing during the BLIP. It is amatter of 3 seconds and Ylene not even blink her eyes it happened that 5 years had passed. They are at Eleanor's house who happen to be a former black widow also.

Current time, Natasha's blonde sister, Ylena, went to Kates apartment and wanted to have a good conversation with her over mac and cheese.
It is her first time in New York and gave Katie an advice not to get in her way on her battle with the Hawkeye.

Ylena emphasized: "We are defined by what we do, and Not by Words"
After that girl's night chat with Ylena, Kate woke up the following morning and trying to reach Clint Barton and left a lot of voice mail until the Barton's mailbox is full and cannot accept messages at the moment.

The Ronin confronted Maya and trying to talked about her vengeance. And wanted to explain why he did what he did. Then the Ronin revealed his face and
Maya saw with surprise that the Ronin she after is the Avenger's Hawkeye. Barton was rescued by Kate and it was a very timely rescue.

Kate and Clint talked and Kate told him that the Blackwidow who they encounter the other night is Natasha's sister, Ylena.

Kate received a photo SMS message and she showed it to Clint and found out that her mother is meeting the Kingpin.
(Episode 5 ends)

Episode 6 The Secret Whistle
Entitled:"So this is Christmas" When Mr. Wilson Fisk had a meeting with Ms. Bishop, Katie's Mother, after Ms. Bishop's fiance got arrested. Their conversation was sent anonymously to Kate's phone whom she is with Clint at that time. Clint swore to help Kate by declairing that they are partners and her mess is his mess.

The next meeting of the Kingpin is with the mute lady boxer, she is working with Fisk the whole time. Before Maya leaves for a couple of days off just to clear her head, Fisk told her the word "I love you". 

Kate helped Clint made more of those trick arrows, some gears and materials came from Stark industries. Along their conversation came when the aliens attacked New York and she was terrified and alone and then Katie sa Hawkeye and left a mark in her heart.

On a nice evening social gathering Kate told her mom about the danger and she knows everything  about what's going on. She even have a nice competition with Ylena trying to stop her from hurting Hawkeye. Ylena is very friendly with Kate because she is working for Eleanor (Kate's mom).

This episode is so cool in the sense that when Kate made the giant Christmas tee fell they have to use those super arrows that they made and it seems like better than a James Bond Movie!. The best arrow is the shrinking arrow.

maya is convince who's really responsible for her father's unfortunate life and settle the score with her best friend who knew everything. While when Eleanor is trying to escape there goes Kingpin and his arrow and knife proof light armor. When Katie got compromised in the fight between Fisks her mom comes to the rescue returning the favor. 

Maya is asking her bestfriend to leave everything behind and forget about it and together they can walk away but her best friend is too afraid to admit that he is afraid of Fisk.


And so, the episode ended when Katie is asking about a suitable name for Hawkeye's partner.

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