
Marvel's Daredevil Season 2 Episodes starring Charlie Cox


Episode 1 Bang: The Daredevil fell with a bang
Daredevil season 2 kicks off when an NYPD policeman were chasing robbers whorub in the streets of New York esxaping. But when the cop is compromised, the Dardevil pulled him like a Spider-man would do in pulling criminals. Bangs the bad guy on the street, inside a kitchen, and even inside the church. Everywhere he is faster than the cops.

The next morning when Matt and Foggy arrived at their busy office they received the nes from Karen that they were broke. the next scene is an Irish organizatio who claims that befoe/once new york is their territory, then bang bang after the Irish speech. Every Irish in the room is down except one.

Even though they are broke they spent a night at a bar playing pool and it seems like Karen and Matt is starting to develop a feeling from each other. Then the Irish survivor went to talk to Matt and Foggy they are still in a bar.

Dogs of Hell is a Club in New York City who were also bang bang by unknown forces and Foggy almost didn't make it out because he is looking for Smitty who is not to his knowledge is long gone. while the Daredevil went to a mexican freezer and saw men hooked together with cows meat.

"No one escapes this and no one can get away"

The survivor Irish guy is in the hospital with Karen but a guy went bashing and shooting them just to finish the job. The sniper guy and the Daredevil had a fight at the rooptop but the man is strong and the Daredevil got beaten. and he said bang to the Daredevil and Daredevil fell down from the top of the building.

Episode 2 Dogs to a fight
In the morning the incident is all over the news, with the tip coming from a police radio, Foggy Manage to find Matt and he cannot move.

"And for now let the NYPD and the DA do their jobs"

Matt is loosing focus, he can't even catch a falling glass.  While the DA identified the one responsible for that army like tactics that wiped an entire organization. He is called the Punisher.

The Punisher pays money when he needed something but if you cross the line then it is the end of the line, even when he is holding a baseball bat.

Karen visited Matt in his apartment nothing intimate happened.

The DA is using the Irish guy as a bait to capture the Punisher, thanks to the Daredevil none of the Police are hurt. Just as the Daredevil is about to win in that hand to hand combat, he suddenly lost hearing.

"Oh I can't wait to sue your asses"

Episode 3 Daredevill debated with The Punisher
"Good morning sunshine", when the Daredevil woke up  he is surprised to see himself all chained-up.

Grotto, the Irish guy, called Karen and told him that he has other plan than cooperating with the lawyers and DA.

When Matt woke up tied up in chains by Frank, the Punisher and the time has come when Frank cannot handle Matt's reasoning he knocked him out with a punch.

"he's a very complicated man and I don't need that"
(This is the episode after Claire Temple met Luke Cage)

When Matt woke up again he now knew that the Punisher is only hurting people who are bad and a menace to the society, so he uses Grotto as an example. The Daredevil enjoyed his solo fight with a bunch of Dogs of Hell Club members; he knocked the Punisher unconscious then he carried it to the elevator and fought his way down. The next thing he knew is that the Punisher escaped.

Episode 4 Penny and Dime: Irish Looking for the Punisher
Finn came at the wake of his fellow Irishman and declared that the Punisher stole $1.2 million dollars from him and after he ended the leaders life thus making each and everyone of the organization following his every words or command.

Matthew is a very religious man he always consults his friend the priest. While Frank, the Punisher, is preparing to get even to the guys who did wrong to his dog.

Melvin made a replacement of the cracked Daredevil's helmet and the new Daredevil's helmet is made of fortified, carbon tube helmet which is pretty close to indestructible. There is no Tony Stark but there is Melvin.
Melvin also gave him some new / reinforce alloy gloves.

"Do you wanna take a look? It's pretty wicked." ;"I'm gotta take your word for it."

The Punisher really like to punish himself for he kept on staring to the thing that will remember his past. Nice Merry Go Round. Finn got him taised and got captured alive. But in this episode we will last see the character Finn.

While The Daredevil is rescuing the Punisher from Finn, Karen has found the Punisher's residence and she roam in the house. Is it me or Laren is becoming hotter and hotter?

The Punisher got soft with the Daredevil, he start telling long stories of his life. "I knew it daddy, I knew it!" / "One batch, two batch, penny and dime".

The Punisher is badly wounded so they voluntarily surrendered to the police to get treated  in the hospital first and told Brett to take credit to the capture to get promoted in order to show the people  that the police system works.  
"Tell everybody that you captured him and not me, take the credit."
"Do you mind the rain? Then I'll walk you home."
When Matthew entered his apartment and open up a bottle of beer, he is alerted and quickly grab a knife then he heard the sweet voice saying " Hello Matthew "; he immediately identified it as Elektra.

Crashing a party, Nelson and Murdock entered through the hotels kitchen with a help from a waiter working there they are looking for someone until Matt knew Elektra is there with th clanking of her bracelet.

Elektra and Matt are lovers before then broke out. they continued their chat at Matt's apartment.
The next morning after Elektra got rejected with her business offer with Matt, Elektra deposited a huge amount of money for Muedock and Nelson firm. 

Matt remembered his first date with Elektra, they did spar on a boxing ring and started kissing after.

At the present  moment Elektra's real plan is for both of them to work together side by side in fighting.

Episode 6
Two of them. Daredevil and Elektra, easily beat the 5 Yakuza members equipped with  weapons and martial art skills who are after the hacker who hacked their system.

Frank Castle aka the Punisher agrees to accept the services of Murdock and Nelson and promise to pleed guilty on the numerous charges that is being accused to himin order to reduce the sentence; the trial will commence as early as the following week.

Here we saw that excellent tandem of Elektra and Matt as they infiltrate the Roxxon Company. and stole a japanese book that will expose names and illegal transactions. The thrill on this episode is exciting and the chemistry between the two are awesome.

Episode 7 The trial of Frank Castle is now on Session
During day Team Murdock is on Frank Castle' case and at night he is together with Elektra, her rich client, doing some investigative vigilante stuffs, until they found a very deep square hole inside a warehouse / building.

Episode 8 Guilty as Sin │ Yaminote vs. the Chase
Because of Matt's philosophy to not end a life, Elektra got sliced-up by a samurai balde, thanks to Master Stick who comes to the rescue.

Yaminote which means "the Hand" and the fighting is about these ancient secret that was discovered and conquered by the ambitious and that is the DISCOVERY OF IMMORTALITY.

The Hand made enemies and the group got organized named themselves as "the Chase" and battle against the Hand.
"You're the only person in the world who belived I'm good"
Frank is a war hero and Murdock and Nelson's plan is to prove that Frank needs help rather than be charge guilty but on the final day of the trial a policeman whisper to Frank and he aggressively admitted that he is guilty as charge and if he had a chance he will do it again with right mind.

Frank has been sentenced and enter's prison  then he  met the Kingpin face-to-face claiming he was the one who sent the message.

Episode 9 Kingpin versus the Punisher │ Fisks build his empire in Prison
In this episode show us the story of Kingpin's adventure inside the prinson and how he got acquainted with the Punisher.  The deal is toget rid of Dutton, the man controlling 80% operation and inmates in the prison and to in order for Fisk to be the one and only Kingpin.

Frank Castle delivers towels to Dutton cell and he has 7 minutes to get his answers and he got what he wanted that a certain "Blacksmith" is responsible for the crossfire at the carousel; then after that, now that Fisks is in control of the prison, he ordered the policemen to release Frank Castle on whatever way necessary.

Matt and Foggy talked about the next step of their lawfirm and ended up closing the firm for good.

Karen Page has been offered a job at the bulletin as an investigaator filling in the position of a great investigative journalist, Ben's office was offered to her too.

Episode 10 Frank Castle is being Framed
Detective Mahony and Thompson started the spisode when they searched the farm  and found skinny young persons almost out of blood. Detective Mahony and the Daredevil talk secretly at the scene and instructed to bring the rescued at metro-general hospital.

At the hospital Claire and Matt talked and the situation is that all 5 of the patients have burned fingerprint, non-responsive, and looks like over dosed to something. The Nobu that was burned and got beaten in a fight with the Daredevil is back alive and responsible for the wrong doings to the 5 young patients. Matt Murdock is enduring a fracture rib and Claire, the nurse, gave him 2 aspirins. Then police radios caught Matts attention about the news that the Punisher has escaped.
Samantha Reyes life ended here on episode 10, because she is guilty on the part that they haven't cleared the park fist to eliminate the risk of other civilians.

Matthew Murdock visited Mr. Fisk at the prison in order to know if Fisk is behind the excape of Frank Castle, Mr. Murdock was welcomed and assisted by Mr. Donovan; Murdock threathened  Vanessa with a $6 post stamp once sent cannot set foot to new york or to any country anymore and thus made Fisk angry and they have a fight,

Elektra is leaving New York and she got acquainted with Jacque Duchamps who met her wants to end her in a fight but he looses and said he was sent by Stick.

Frank see's Karen Page and telling her that all the killings lately is not his doing, he is being set up.

Meanwhile at the Metro-General hospital the rescued patients  stand up still with eyes looking sharp while Ninjas are climbing the hospital buildings but there is the Daredevil waiting.

Episode 11 Ninjas Attack the Hospital
The ninjas successfully took all the teenagers and they seem wanted to get taken by the ninjas. Claire Temple quit her job, Foggy got discharged, Frank and Matt met again, a boat is on  fire and Elektra will fight Stick

Episode 12 Stick and Elektra
The Hand took Stick and that ruin the goal of Elektra. Matt was there but it it hard for Matt to radar the movement of the ninjas, but he is still willing to save Stick. The big question is why does the Hand need Stick?

The Dark at the End of the Tunnel

Episode 13


Marvel's Daredevil Season 2 Cast
Christopher Roth - public defender assigned on the Frank Castle case.
Claire Temple - Nurse
Foggy Nelson
Gregory Trpper is a medical examiner who signed all autopsy report  on Frank Castle's family
Karen Page
Kingpin / Mr. Fisk
Madam Gao
Nobu - a japanese Samurai ninja
The Punisher / Frank Castle 
Matthew Murdock
Mr. Donovan - Mr. Fisk's black lawyer
Mr. Ellison is a manager at a publishing company
Mr. Tepper - a medical examiner who falcify records.
Mr. Tower - Assistant District Attorney
Samantha Reyes - Head District attorney
Thompson - Policewoman with detective Mahony

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