
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) - James Fran and Andy Serkis

The movie was release in the Philippines last August 04, 2011
Directed by Rupert Wyatt and became a box office hit all over the world.
The Journey of a scientist who just want to discover a medicine to cure his father's Alzheimer's.
The best part is that when the Ape named Caesar spoke.
During experiments to find a cure for Alzheimer's disease, they tested the serum or the chemical in chimpanzee subjects.  A genetically-enhanced pregnant chimpanzee gave birth to a baby chimpanzee and inherit its greater intelligence. The baby chimpanzee was adopted by the scientist   and raise the monkey at home. The chimpanzee got wiser and wiser until it learned to talk and reason and uses its intelligence to lead other apes to freedom.

Reaction :
The movie is a real sci-fi, and drama combined. There are many versions of this movie but this story tells us how an ape evolved to man dramatically - very realistic. The idea is a little bit scary at first but later you may come to think that there can be a reality  behind the story.

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