
Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 2 Episodes


Jessica Jones Season 2 is about JESSICA VS. ALISON (aka Mother)

Episode 1 Jessica Famous
She is now known as a great investigator but still misinterpret by many as a superhero vigilante. There is this another P.I. who would like to take over her office but she turned it down. 

Trish show is having a low rating but needs to have a brand new information to release which can caught the interest of the people to stay listening to Trish Talk. IGH is their target story.

Even though Jessica is trying to forget the tragic accident happened to her family but  ashes of her family kept reminding her of her tragic past. 

A fat guy, The Whizzer, who is seeking help at her office claiming he is fear based super which can ran super fast but his life ended when debris fell on him in a construction site.

Episode 2 It takes a Monster to Stop a Monster
Question: When dis Kozlov pass away?
Answer: Kozlov pass away in Jessica Jones Season 2 episode 2

Here on this episode we will witness the end of Simpson the policeman, he is a patient of Kozlov and he protects Trish.
"He was right, it takes a monster to end  monster and Simpson is not that monster"

Episode 3 Jessica needs a Side Kick
Hogart's business partners don't see Hogart as fit physically and wanted to lay her off while Foggy Nelson appears to be working in Hogart's Firm, and come to personnally help Hogart to face the problem and he did not know at that time that Hogart is the same attorney who help Danny Rand to become a billionaire once more at the end of the Daredevil season Attorney Nelson tried working at Hogart's law firm.

Hogart's got ALS  (a progressive degenerative illness), it gives her partners cause to invoke a medical disclosure clause. She has no hope and options and she had 5 mins of Jessica;s time to hire her to find any dirt that she can use against her partner as leverage to not make her step down at the law firm.

Someone called Tris claiming she is Dr. Leslie Hansen, they set a meeting but instead Jessica came. Good thing Maury the man working at the morgue i.d. the burned skull and it was the real Leslier Hansen, so the one talking to Jessica is a super human, good thing Trish and Malcolm followed and the paparazzi followed too and they obtain a picture of the suspect.

Episode 4 Anger Management
"Sorry about your ball", that was Jessica said when she leaves the anger management huddle.

Hogart is still worried that Chao and Benowitz would kick her out, not a single second she is thinking of the situation. She is afaraid to loose what she strive hard for all her life.

Maximilian send fax to Trish about records and there are three patients whose bills are paid by IGH, namely Whizzer, Jessica, and Inez Green so they search Inez Green who turned out to be the nurse in charge of a super patient  but broke her back badly she can't even work again on her professiona career.

The Last words sJessica saids in this episode is:"that's not me (2x)"

Episode 5 Griffin proposes Marriage to Trish / Jessica's Mom
Dave Kawecki got jailed for a crime he did not commit thus Jessica poses as a therapist to speak with him and found out about Dr. Karl and there is saw the super woman who has  the same abiabilities. Looks like Dr. Karl likes Octopus.

The strong girl and Dr. Karl kissed in an aquatic exhibit and Jessica saw it and took photos. The episode ended when strong girls cracked the aquariun glass, imagine with a single punch a woman can crack the glass of an underwater  aquarium; it truly display her super strength.

The woman who is with Dr. Karl is Jessica's Mom. And she is bald.

Episode 8  Shane the Healer
Hogart visited Shane in prison as referred by Inez telling her that Shane is another IGN experiment whose super powers is to heal  and may help her get rid of her ASL illness. 
Hogart took care of all the necessary arrangement and came home inviting Inez to celebrate with her with a $200 champaigne and the real intimate action begun.

Episode 11 Dr. Karl to make Patsy a Super
Kgrave aka Kevin is keeping appearing whenever or whereever Jessica is stress out and feeling guilty whenever she do bad things,
Jessicas's mom is in jail, but Patsy had run out of usper inhaler so she put Malcolm inside her car trunk kidnapped Dr. Karl and convince him to make her super but in the process is so painful and almost looses her life good thing Jessica came to the rescue; Trish got hospitalized and Dr. Karl got desperate and ended his own life but news spread so fast that Alisa Jones watched that news at the police station and with arage and sadness she broke out of jail.

Episode 9 Private Investigator Cheng aka Sniper
Investigator Cheng wanted revenge so he carry his sniper riffle and tried to snipe Alison but she is so fast that he can even see the sniper across the building and caught Mr. Cheng. found out that the chocolate that wasfrequently being charged to Hogart's law firm is not a really a chocolate, the chocolate referred to is a gay bar and Malcokm was so good that he dug dirt to both Hogart's associates.

In this episode also solved the case of Oscar, the building supervisor, about his ex-wife kidnapping their son Vido.
"You deal with your family and we compare notes later"

Back at Hogart's apartment Shane started the process to heal her ASL and in the end tears are coming out of her eyes.

Shane is out, Trish Walker quit Trish Tslk, and was called by a bigger tv producer but unluckily she ran out of that super inhaler that enhances her abilities.

Chng and Jessica had a serious negotiation to forget everything and call it even but still Jessica let the police took her mother for the crime that her mom commits.

Episode 12  Trish Walker Seizure
Jessica is successful trying to calm down her mom when it attempts to attack Trish Walker in the hospital, thanks to Trish's mom the she let herself got interviewed live thus exposing her daughter's location, but cops get in the way and sonething happends tragi to a cop.

It turns out that Shane is the boyfriend of Inez and the healing is a hoax, Inez admitted to Hogart that Shane is a good con artist.

While at the hospital Trish got seizure and she is very afraid.  She was disappointed that the super human proedure with Dr. Karl got interrupted. Before the seizure Trish's mother cannot stop talking about ratings, popularity, sponsors, donations and fans, and media attention.

Alisa, Jessica's mom, contacted her on the cellphone and ask to meet up and they did at Trish's apartment, Jessica is a law abiding person and pulling a trigger is ot her thing so Alisa took this as an advantage to knock her out and bring her somewhere for a mom and daughter bonding.

Episode 13 It's a Walker Spirit
Malcolm said he quit being an associate of Jessica but there he is finishing renovating her office while Jessica and her mother is on a road trip.

Jessica is tryin to figured out how to live again when the last family member she had has already left again.
Trish waited for Jessica's apartment door and got rejected but to Trish's surprised when a lady bump her, her reflexes improved by catching her cellphone on her right foot and to her surprise she smiled.
Jessica is coming home and stopped by a liquor store and caught a man trying to rob the place by throwing a bottle at him.
Episode ended with a dinner with Vido and Oscar.

Jessica Jones Season 2 Cast
Alisa Jones (Laura Patterson Math Teacher) is Jessica's Mother
Dave Kawecki is a janior guy that was wrongfully accused and was sent to jail / loves to draw octopus
Dorothy Walker (Trish's Mother)
Dr.Karl Malus is a Bio Geneticist
Dr. Leslie Hansen is an ER doctor at Metro General
Foggy Nelson (Matt Murdock's bestfriend)
Griffin is a news anchor whose inlove with Trish Walker
Inez Green (mean-ez Mean) is the nurse who attended the lethal super woman
Maximilian Tatum (is a major donor at Metro-General a pervert film  director and producer)
Maury Tattlebaum - he works at the morgue 
Pryce Cheng (Rich and popular Private Investigator) - Terry Cheng
Robert "Whizzer" Coleman (Man with ability to run fast but power can only be triggered when scared)
Simpson is the policeman who is a patient of Dr. Kozlov; ex-boyfriend of Trish
Sofy - super woman twice the strength of Jessica

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